Amazing Namasté News Juni

Today we would like to tell you about our pottery workshop in June with the children from our children's home "Amazing Namasté" .

Eine Gruppe junger Leute und ein älterer Mann sitzen um einen Tisch herum und nehmen an einem Töpferkurs teil. Verschiedene Töpferwerkzeuge und Tonstücke liegen auf dem Tisch.

Pottery is one of the oldest and most widespread decorative arts and consists of objects made of clay that are hardened by heat. pottery has a long history in Nepalese culture.
The oldest findings in Lumbini are at least 2600 years old and this ancient tradition of making pottery still exists in our society and is still a strong socio-cultural value in Nepalese life.

Zwei unserer Kinder formen Ton auf einer Werkbank in einer Töpferwerkstatt, umgeben von Regalen mit Töpferwaren und Werkzeugen.

Realizing the importance of history, culture, creativity and new learning in life, our children also participated in a two-day workshop on basic pottery skills this June, where they were given the opportunity to learn and understand more about clay and the craft.

Ein Kind formt Ton auf einer Werkbank in einer Töpferwerkstatt neben dem Workshopleiter, umgeben von Regalen mit Töpferwaren und Werkzeugen.

The workshop was conducted by Mr. Gopal Man Shrestha, the founder of "Kala Premi Ceramic Studio", who has more than 35 years of professional experience in this field. The main contents of the workshop were the basic skills of pottery such as hand forming (coiling, pinching, slab work), pottery on the potter's wheel and glazing and firing techniques.

Sujal präsentiert seine Töpferarbeiten in einer Töpferwerkstatt, umgeben von Regalen mit Töpferwaren und Werkzeugen.

All of our children took part in the workshop with great excitement and enthusiasm. They had lots of questions about the pottery making process and our tutor helped them to answer them. Each child had their own creative designs and thoughts in mind and therefore worked to create a beautiful structure.

Grishma und Khushi präsentieren ihre Töpferarbeiten in einer Töpferwerkstatt in einer Töpferwerkstatt, umgeben von Regalen mit Töpferwaren und Werkzeugen.

In the end, the children were very happy when their designs and creativity were put into a nice order and structure. They not only learned how to play with clay and give it a shape, but also how important patience, creativity and effective communication are, how much fun the creative process is, how to develop skills, how to be mindful and how to self-reflect.

And so our two-day workshop on the basic skills of pottery was a complete success.

We are always happy to welcome new supporters and friends of the Namasté family in the form of financial support or spreading the word about this very personal project.