Amazing Namasté News: Interview with project manager Jenny Ghale

12 years ago, friendly hunting founded the Amazing Namasté children's home in Kathmandu, and it touches us to see how our small group has grown into a solid community.

In the following interview, our project manager Jenny Ghale talks about her work with us.

Jenney Could you please tell us something about yourself and your family background?

Well, my full name is Jenney Ghale. "Jenney" is my older sister's name, which means "pure soul". I was born and raised in Kathmandu, Nepal. Academically, I have a specialization in art and printmaking. I am currently pursuing my M.Phil. in Art Psychology. In my family, I have my parents, a brother and two sisters.

When did you join the Amazing Namaste Family? Can you tell us about your current work and responsibilities?

I have been working at the orphanage for almost two years. Speaking of my tasks: I work as a project manager at the orphanage. At home, I spend most of my time with the children and help them plan their day and run the house. Together with my colleagues, we plan and design several weekly and monthly activities for the children to make them creative and innovative. In addition, I occasionally lead art classes and art projects for children at home.

What inspires you to work at the orphanage?

As for my inspirations to work for orphans, I would like to recall my own story. I was 4 years old when my father left home for Saudi Arabia to work abroad due to financial difficulties in the family. When my father returned home, I was already 29 years old and have few childhood memories with my father. And in a part of my heart, I have a feeling of what the condition of children whose parents were not alive would be like. How difficult would the situation be for them? Questions like this were always on my mind, and later I decided to work for orphans. Now I am very happy with the position and the place I got.

What activities have you been doing at the orphanage lately?

Recently, our children no longer have long school vacations. Therefore, they have to spend most of their time studying and doing homework at school. However, we attach great importance to the children's refreshment and interaction. The big art project we did in February and March, which we even report on in our monthly newsletter, was a great success. In addition, we regularly offer sports activities, cooking classes, storytelling, gardening projects, computer classes and visits to various cultural and historical sites. We also organize many parties and birthday celebrations every month. We celebrate it with great joy and happiness.

What plans do the children have for the future? How are you working on them?

Our plans for the future are to support our children until they are independent and can live on their own. To do this, we recognize the inner talents and abilities of our children. And after identifying their talents, we connect them with other necessary trainings and courses so that they can learn the skills for life and later use these skills to live independently.

What do you like best about working at the orphanage?

The best thing about working at the orphanage is that I get to do various new projects with children. I feel the willingness and eagerness of children to learn and implement new things. This innocent face of children always gives me inner peace. Also, I have a great team of my colleagues who are really supportive, motivating and helpful. And it's always a pleasure to grow in the garden of such a wonderful team.

Finally, do you have anything you would like to add?

Finally, I would like to say that I am very happy with the position and the place I have. It will be my own day of success where our children can live on their own and do something good for the society and the country through their education, learning and our socialization. And I would also like to thank all our donors and supporters for helping to build a successful future for these innocent souls.

Thank you Jenney for your valuable time and kind words.

We are always happy to welcome new supporters and friends of the Namasté family in the form of financial support or spreading the word about this very personal project.